Oh Fall, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love the falling leaves, the cool, crisp air, and, because I’m in Southern California, the Santa Ana winds. My husband and I love to make fires in our fireplace and curl up with a movie while listening to the Santa Anas. I also enjoy the cozy feeling of fall clothes and fall comfort food. I love all the rich colors, flavors, scents and especially cranberries!
I learned something new when I was researching cranberries. Did you know that the bacteria that causes UTIs is E. Coli? I knew UTIs were caused by bacteria, but to know it’s the same bacteria you get from food poisoning!? This means cranberries are not only effective in preventing UTI problems, but also for any E. Coli issues since the tannins in cranberries prevent bacteria from clinging to internal walls. Cranberries are good for the GI tract, Urinary Tract, and even bacteria in the mouth according to this article. Cranberries are also considered a preventative antibiotic by many naturalists and doctors alike. In addition to their bacterial super strength powers, they are also great to have this time of year to help against the cold and flu season because of their high levels of antioxidants.

Bedhead me enjoying a tasty breakfast!
As you can see, I love cranberries, but I do want to present the other side as well. Based on many scientific studies, cranberries aren’t a quick fix. And sometimes you can have recurring UTIs with more frequency than if you have antibiotics that kill everything. However, “doctors” agree using cranberries are still a healthy and good idea since frequent antibiotics do tend to make them less effective. I read about this in a Time article.
My assessment: put cranberry orange smoothies in my diet during cold and flu season, if I feel run down, or pretty much any time I want a cranberry fix. So stock up on cranberries while the grocery stores have them and freeze for year round prevention! *bang the gavel*
- 1 tbsp flaxseeds *if you have the ability to grind these in your blender, do it. Flaxseeds lend the most nutrition when freshly ground
- 1 tbsp hemp seeds
- 1 banana (or 2 if you are omitting the honey)
- 1 1/2 cup fresh orange juice (if you like it tart, use 1 cup OJ and 1/2 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice)
- 1/2 scoop (at the 1st line) sunwarrior protein powder
- 1/2 cup frozen cranberries
- 1 tsp bee pollen *optional for energy
- honey to taste (1 tbsp will probably do it!) or the 2nd banana
- Blend and pour!
It took me until I was an adult to like cranberries. But, I tried them every year to make sure. Then, I tasted orange-cranberry compote, and have had cranberries at the top of my goodness taste list since. Thanks for your recipe combining the two flavors that won me over. (Is there any way to reduce the calories for this one? Delete protein powder?)
Hi there! Yes, if you don’t add the protein powder and hemp seeds you will dramatically reduce the calories. You could replace them with yogurt if you prefer as well. That’s how I used to make this smoothie and its delish! However, don’t forget that hemp seeds have a lot of healthy fats and protein fills you up a lot longer. This is definitely a breakfast-sized meal with the protein and hemp seeds. 🙂 Thanks for commenting!
And by the way, I bought an inexpensive little coffee gender to use exclusively for flax seeds and spices. This way my blender does’t have residual oils and spicy taste for other things. I agree freshly ground flax seeds are best. They say even in the trip home from the store, the flax oil is losing nutrients. 🙁
Great idea!