Hello fellow foodies! I was so excited to figure out this little hack I wanted to share this tip with you via social media pronto! Then I realized…y’all here on the blog would probably want this info too, right!? Who doesn’t want to know how to peel garlic fast? I know it was on my list of things to do. Up until I discovered this little gem I was in the habit of calling my hunny over to peel garlic. Don’t you hate how garlic can smell on your fingers for like, days and days! Me too. You can actually rub your hands against stainless steel for that and a couple of other tricks, but I’ll save those for next time.
There is actually a gadget called a “garlic peeler” at Williams-Sonoma or Amazon, but for me, why spend money on something you already have? Do you have a rubber jar opener? This kitchen hack is totally for you. If you don’t have a rubber jar opener but like the idea of double duty kitchen items, I really like this jar opener, because it’s cute, but it’s also twice the price of this one.
Will you be trying this hack next time you’re in the kitchen?
Starting this week, I am excited to announce we will be doing Kitchen Tip Tuesdays!! If you have a hack or tip that you use in the kitchen, please share it with us by sending it to mjohnson@vanillaplummedia.com or by leaving a comment. If it tests well, I will feature your tip on my website and social media!
*If you have a blog and/or social media you would like linked, please include that in the email.
As of now, I have decided not to have an email go out on Tuesdays, but if you would like to opt-in for a Tuesday email, please let me know!
Talk to you on Friday!!
Eat Clean, Eat Well,
*I am an amazon affiliate and receive a small percentage if you buy any amazon links from my site. This money goes towards my food budget to make the recipes you see here. Every little bit helps! If you want to check out amazon, here’s a link to get there! Also, join http://www.runningwithspoons.com for an awesome link party!
Hannah Siegmund @ ThisVeganWhimsy says
I love this post! I adore garlic, and am frequently getting irritated in my kitchen trying to peel and mince it without taking all day. My mother got me one of those fancy garlic peelers, but I haven’t really liked using it because it’s hard to get the papery skin out of the tube. This is a great idea, because I can just unroll my rubber jar opener and voila!
Hannah Siegmund @ ThisVeganWhimsy recently posted…Review: Earth Balance Vegan White Cheddar Mac & Cheese
Foodscape says
I was wondering how those fancy peelers work! Now I know to stick with my tried and true method. Thanks! ;p
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Sam @ PancakeWarriors says
How in the world did you figure this out, it’s genius!! Love not smashing the garlic, especially if you want the garlic to be pretty in the dish by slicing it up. Awesome tip!
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Foodscape says
Thanks Sam! I used to do that mash the garlic method too. Never again!
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Laura says
I think Kitchen Tip Tuesdays is a fabulous idea! Anyhow, I have never heard of this rubber grip jar opener and honestly, I bet I peel more garlic by hand than anyone else in the world, seriously, I’m garlic obsessed and I only want fresh garlic! Sometimes I buy it peeled at the store, but it’s so expensive! I’m actually sad right now (for the first time in my life) that I don’t have any garlic cloves to try this with. I’ve tried the whole bowl method (saw it on youtube) it works just “ok”. Thanks for the tip!
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Brandi @ Java and Sole says
Oh My Goodness! I LOVE this kitchen hack – I really love garlic, but hate peeling it. And spending money on a garlic peeler seems silly 🙂 this little trick is awesome! I am so glad I linked up with Amanda’s Thinking Out Loud Thursdays and found your blog – Thank you for sharing!!
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GiGi Eats says
LOVE that trick! 🙂
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Tina@GottaRunNow says
I have a rubber jar opener! Thanks for the great tip!
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